
PursePower (Chrome Extension, iOS and Android App)

Purse Power allows you to shop, buy and save the best products from women-owned and women-led businesses near you. The apps were made using Swift (iOS) and Java (Android) with their respective IDEs (XCode and Android Studio). The chrome extension was made using Javascript. A backend was made using Java + Spring Boot Framework.

App Store - Google Play - Chrome Extension

somosOCO (Android App)

News android app of the latest trends in entertainment, the app was developed using Java with Android Studio and Architecture Components.

Google Play

Social Login (Magento 2 custom module)

Module for the e-commerce platform Magento 2, this extension allows an user to sign-in or register with their social networks credentials.

Available at : https://github.com/pekebyte/magento2-social-login

Alternos.la (Wordpress site)

Development of Altenos.la website, digital magazine focused to report about human rights and social activism in Venezuela. The website was developed with wordpress.

Available at: http://alternos.la/

"Kiosko la Arepa Mojada" - Global Game Jam 2017 video game (GameMaker Studio game)

Development of a video game in a team with the mission to deliver a demo in less than 48 hours!. The game was developed with Game Maker Studio 1.4

Available at : https://globalgamejam.org/users/pedro-molina

Porepito Run (Android / iOS game)

Parkour mobile game developed with Cocos2d-X and C++. Consists on avoid the obstacles and collect all the coins you can!.

App Store - Google Play

PekeUpload (jQuery plugin)

jQuery plugin that allows you to easily add multiple or single file upload functionality to your website, this plugin allows to show to the user the progress of the upload of the files. Available at :  https://github.com/pekebyte/pekeUpload